
How to uninstall tor browser pc
How to uninstall tor browser pc

Tor Browser is considered one of the most secure and privacy-friendly browsers.

  • How to Use CCleaner to Uninstall Tor Browser?.
  • You an also read about unlisting Truecaller number. Below, we have described the complete process to delete this browser from your PC easily. So, if you want to get rid of this web browser completely, you just have to follow the process below. But, we have described the guide below to uninstall the Tor browser completely from your PC.

    how to uninstall tor browser pc

    And because of that, some of the data of Tor Browser might be on your PC even after uninstalling it. The reason why uninstalling the Tor browser from your PC can be tricky is because, when you uninstall this browser from your PC, it doesn’t delete the Windows registry records. Below, we have described how you can easily uninstall this web browser. If you want to do the same, then you just have come to the right place. And because of that, many Tor users want to uninstall this browser from their PC. However, over time, there are many web browsers that are getting the features of the Tor browser. Tor is a privacy-focused browser with a lot of privacy features including history and cookie delete feature after closing the browser.

    how to uninstall tor browser pc

    When it comes to privacy browsers for Windows, Tor Browser comes to the top of the list.

    How to uninstall tor browser pc